Pulses Price in Pakistan Today 2024 | Daal Rate List

The staple food that fills our plates and satisfies our taste buds while providing essential nutrients? Yes, we’re talking about pulses. These humble yet essential food items are not only a dietary necessity but also a cultural identity. As we delve into the heart of Pakistani kitchens, let’s explore the intriguing world of “Pulses Price in Pakistan.”

Pulses Price In Pakistan

Different Pulses Types and Their Prices in Pakistan

Pulses, often referred to as “daal” in Urdu, are an integral part of Pakistani culinary traditions. These tiny powerhouses of nutrition come in various types, each with its unique flavor and benefits. Let’s unravel the diverse world of pulses and their price dynamics in Pakistan.

Chana Pulse Prices

Chana Daal, a staple in Pakistani households, exhibits a range of prices based on its variety. The standard Chana Daal is priced at around Rs. 138 to Rs. 140 per kilogram. However, the pricing game diversifies when it comes to different variants. The white chana, or sufaid chana, comes with its pricing structure. White chana, weighing in at Rs. 260 per kilogram, offers a premium option. On the other hand, the 7MM Sufaid Chana and 9MM Sufaid Chana are priced at Rs. 124 and Rs. 128 per kilogram, respectively. The Kala Chana variants fit a moderate budget, ranging from Rs. 116 to Rs. 126 per kilogram.

Chana Dal Type1 KG Rate40 KG Rate
Kala Chana ChotaRs. 116Rs. 4640
Kala Chana MotaRs. 124Rs. 4960
Sufaid Chana 7mmRs. 124Rs. 4960
Sufaid Chana 9mmRs. 128Rs. 5120
Chane Ki Daal ChotiRs. 145Rs. 5800
Chane Ki Daal BariRs. 138Rs.5520

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Mong Daal Prices

One of the most beloved pulses in Pakistan is Mong Daal, known for its versatility and health benefits. As of now, the prices of Mong Daal hover are between Rs. 102 and Rs. 112 per kilogram. This economical yet nutritious option is a favorite among households across the country.

Mong Daal Type1 KG Price40 KG Price
Sabat Mong ChotaRs. 102Rs. 4080
Sabat Mong BaraRs. 106Rs. 4240
Mong ChehlkaRs. 112Rs. 4480

Daal Red Masoor Prices

Daal Red Masoor, celebrated for its rich nutritional content, is a sought-after choice for many health-conscious individuals. In Pakistani markets, this nutrient-packed pulse can be found for Rs. 138 per kilogram, making it an affordable option for those looking to boost their dietary intake.

Pulse Name1 KG Price40 KG Price
Dal Lal MasoorRs. 138Rs. 5520

Daal Mash Rates

Daal Mash, a cornerstone of Pakistani cuisine, boasts a distinctive taste and texture. This flavorful pulse, often used in traditional dishes, is currently priced at approximately Rs. 350 per kilogram. Despite its slightly higher cost, its unique taste profile continues to attract enthusiasts.

Pulse NameWeightPrice
Daal Mash1 KGRs. 550
Daal Mash Chilka1 KGRs. 450 to 550

Factors Influencing the Pulses Price in Pakistan

The fluctuating pulses price in Pakistan are not arbitrary; they are influenced by a multitude of factors that intricately weave into the fabric of the nation’s economy. Gaining an understanding of these elements can offer valuable insights into the intricate dynamics governing the pricing of pulses:

Agricultural Circumstances

The well-being of the agricultural sector holds substantial sway over the production of pulses, thus exerting an influence on pricing. Elements such as shifts in weather patterns, crop ailments, and occurrences of pests can result in disruptions in supply and fluctuations in costs.

Imports and Exports

The realm of international trade assumes a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of pulse prices. Oscillations in the worldwide requisition and provision, coupled with trade regulations, wield a direct impact on the availability and expenditure of pulses within the domestic market.

Governance Measures

Interventions enacted by governmental bodies, encompassing subsidies, import levies, and export restrictions, hold the potential to shape the feasibility and accessibility of pulses. The intention behind these policies is to foster price stability and guarantee food security.

Consumer Demand

The desire for pulses is frequently swayed by cultural inclinations, dietary customs, and fluctuations in population size. Variations in consumer demand can exert an influence on prices, particularly during periods of heightened consumption.

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Conclusion of Pulses Price in Pakistan

As we navigate the complex world of pulses’ pricing in Pakistan, it becomes evident that these seemingly simple food items are deeply intertwined with intricate economic and social dynamics. From Mong Daal to Daal Red Masoor, each pulse carries its own story of affordability and nutritional value. While economic factors and agricultural conditions may continue to influence pulse prices, understanding these dynamics can empower individuals to make informed dietary and budgetary choices.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are there any government initiatives to stabilize pulse prices?

Yes, governments often implement policies such as subsidies and trade regulations to stabilize pulse prices and ensure food security for the population.

How can consumers cope with fluctuating pulse prices?

Consumers can adapt by diversifying their diets, exploring alternative protein sources, and being mindful of seasonal variations in pulse prices.

Why do pulse prices vary so much in Pakistan?

Pulse prices are influenced by a combination of factors, including agricultural conditions, international trade, government policies, and consumer demand. These variables contribute to the fluctuation in prices over time.

Are there any efforts to promote domestic pulse production?

Yes, initiatives to enhance domestic pulse production through agricultural research, technology adoption, and farmer training are ongoing to mitigate supply fluctuations and stabilize prices.

Which factors have the most significant impact on pulse prices in Pakistan?

Agricultural conditions, international trade dynamics, and government policies are among the primary factors that exert a significant influence on pulse prices in Pakistan.

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